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The IT Consultancy company you can trust

Independent and Belgian, directly and without detours the link between the project and the solution.
Over 24 years of continuously being the full service IT service provider that deliberately invests in its relationships with clients and consultants.

The IT Consultancy company you can trust

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The IT Consultancy company you can trust

IT Consultancy

Smoothly deployable, perfectly skilled IT consultants with a high level of commitment. It is our original core business.

Project development

Imalink is an honest partner for your ICT project development this from concept phase over implementation to follow-up.


At Imalink, every assignment deserves the same level of commitment.
Together with our team of ICT specialists, we guarantee the values we hold dear. In every contact with partners, our foundations will therefore strongly come forward. This is the only way to achieve a good, personal and committed collaboration.

Since day one, our house of trust has been built on the following seven pillars:




We are constantly looking for new trends and innovative solutions. Therefore we keep a close eye on the media and professional literature concerning ICT-Services. We also think it's important to give the outside world a view of Imalink's ins and outs through this blog.

Frontend Developer Angular you say?

A Frontend Developer Angular is responsible for designing, developing and maintaining the user interface of Web applications using the Angular framework. They play a crucial role in creating the visual and functional aspects of a web application. Imalink summarizes it for you, succinctly and in 10 steps....
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Imalink - Bureau Isabelle

Breaking News: we are moving in spring 2024

Since May of this year, Imalink has been in existence for 23 years. During this time, our office has moved to a number of locations. Each time according to our activities, our growth and the spirit of the times. When we traded in Zaffelare 15 years ago, on September 18, 2008, for our newly built office at Beervelde, we were far from knowing how things would be done today. Our current building was designed by Arne and our architect at the time as a multifunctional office with modular spaces, offices, meeting or study rooms with room for relaxation both inside and outside. Imalink was then ready to respond to the demand of customers to not only bring in consultants on site but also to house themselves at Imalink.
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The duties of a full stack Java Developer

As a full stack Java developer, you will be responsible for the development and implementation of Java applications at all levels of the software stack. This includes both front-end and back-end development, as well as database and server management. In this blog, we will discuss the main duties of a full stack Java developer.
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On the coffee

Getting acquainted, exploring and filtering new ideas? Would you rather discuss the possibilities of collaboration? Or are you just in the mood for a friendly chat? We are happy to do it with a strong cup of coffee.

Stop by!
Imalink N.V.
Golflaan 12
9830 Sint-Martens-Latem

Contact us!
T +32 9 356 85 61